Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cognos: Bursting Report to a file system

Bursting cognos report to Local File system and also run a script so that bursted reports can be renamed.

1) Go to the dispatcher --  ( See the picture below for reference )

2) Click on the dispatcher link to see the content manager service.

 3) Go to the settings tab and click on edit on advance setting line -
4) Create following  2 variables and provide the path where you want to get the files bursted.
 5) Save it and go to cognos configuration to do the following setting.
 6) Run the report that you have to burst with the following settings.

7) You will get the output in D:/Report folder, now you want that bursted reports should get proper names or they should get names according to there bursted key.
8) Create a notepad file giving it a name "burstKey.bat" and paste the following contents and save it in D:\Reports folder.
@echo off
Rem  this batch file is launched with a working directory of \bin 

set dest=D:/Reports

echo "BurstKey Script" >> %dest%/batch.txt
echo Batch File Log >> %dest%/batch.txt

rem       Set the values for the PDF file and XML
rem       to environment variables
rem       the reason for this is the scripting language
rem       cannot read variables as parameters
set parameter_pdf=%1%
set parameter_xml=%2%

rem      Logs the variables to a batch log file
echo values set >> %dest%/batch.txt
echo Parameter_pdf: %parameter_pdf% >> %dest%/batch.txt
echo Parameter_xml: %parameter_xml% >> %dest%/batch.txt

rem      Calls the script file
call %dest%/burstKeyRename.vbs

echo Completed >> %dest%/batch.txt
9) create a file "burstKeyRename.vbs" and paste the following contenets in there and save it in D:\Reports folder.

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("process")

' Values for Environment can be "user", "system", "volitile" and "process
' The value "process" is the only valid one for this type of operation.
Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("process")

' To check the value for process environment variable
' this can be tested at the command prompt.
' Uncomment the next line and run this from command line
' WScript.Echo WshSysEnv("parameter_xml")

' Initializing Variables
xFile = WshSysEnv("PARAMETER_XML")    'Name of the XML file
sFile = WshSysEnv("PARAMETER_PDF")    'Name of the PDF file

' ***** Start override section for testing outside Cognos environment *****
' Set the following if-then condition to "true" for local testing using files that
' have already been burst.  If the if=then condition  is set to "false", then the
' environment variables must be set properly otherwise a  run-time error will occur.
If (false) Then       
    'The filename component of the output file. Do not include the extension.    
    tempName = "D:\C83Outputs\wottcattondxp\TestOutputs\911_1190657394280"
    ' Derive the name of the XML descriptor file    
    xFile = tempName & "_desc.xml"
    ' Derive the name of the new output file.
    sFile = tempName & ".pdf"
End If
' ***** End override section for testing outside Cognos environment *****

sMsg = ""
sNewFileName = ""

' Read the XML descriptor file created by CRN/Cognos 8 to get the value of the element. This
' value will be used as the new filename. If there is no value in the element, a new file will not
' be created.  It is assumed that the value of the element does not contain any of the
' reserved characters the underlying OS uses for filename.
xmlDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.Load xFile

If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
    sMsg = xFile & " : Error parsing XML " + xmlDoc.parseError.reason       
    Set rootXML = xmlDoc.documentElement
    Set oNodeList = rootXML.childNodes
    iNode = 0   
    For Each Item in oNodeList
        If (xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes.Item(iNode).basename = "burstKey") Then
            sNewFileName = xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes.Item(iNode).text
            If (sNewFileName = "") Then
                sMsg = xFile & " : element in '" & xFile & "' is empty. Unable to copy file."
                sMsg = xFile & " : Burst key value is '" & sNewFileName & "'"
            End If

            ' This if condition  was added to support the use of CAMID for the burst key
            if (instr(sNewFilename, "CAMID")) Then
                intFirstPosition = instr(sNewFilename, ":")
                intSecondPosition = instr(intFirstPosition, sNewFilename, ")")
                sNewFileName = mid (sNewFilename, intFirstPosition + 1, intSecondPosition - (intFirstPosition + 2))
                sMsg = xFile + " : Value extracted from CAMID is '" & sNewFileName & "'"               
            End If
        End If
        iNode = iNode + 1       
    Set oNodeList = Nothing
    Set rootXML = Nothing
End If

' If there is a new filename, make of copy of it otherwise just log an error. A local log file with a name
' that is derived using the filename given to the output by CRN/Cognos 8 will be created so it is easy
' to determine if the file copied successfully  or not. Since this information will also be written to the
' persistent log file, writing to the local log file can be bypassed if writing it creates too much clutter in the
' location specified in CM.OUTPUTLOCATION.
if (sNewFileName <> "") Then
    sNewFileName = getPath(sFile) & sNewFileName & ".pdf"
    writeLocalLogFile sFile, sMsg & vbCrLf & "Copying file named '" & sFile & "' to '" & sNewFileName & "'" & vbCrLf
    objFSO.CopyFile sFile, sNewFileName
    ' Set this variable to an error message so it will be picked up below when writing to the persistent log file.....
    sNewFileName = ""
    writeLocalLogFile sFile, sMsg & vbCrLf
End If

' Update the persistent log file with the result. This log file will have data appended to it in order to keep the history.
sMsg = "----- Start of entry -----" & vbCrLf
sMsg = sMsg & "Date : " & date & vbTab & "Time : " & time & vbCrLf
sMsg = sMsg & vbCrLf & "Original Name :" & sFile & vbCrLf
sMsg = sMsg &  "New Name : " & sNewFileName & vbCrLf
sMsg = sMsg &  "----- End of entry -----" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

sPersistLogFile = getPath(sFile) & "crn_pdf_rename.txt"
writePersistLogFile sPersistLogFile, sMsg
' All done.. Release references to the objects used in this app.
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set xmlDoc = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set WshSysEnv = Nothing

Function getPath(sFileName)
    sPathOnly = ""
    lastSlashPos = InStrRev(sFileName, "\")

    if (lastSlashPos > 0) Then
        getPath = mid (sFileName, 1, lastSlashPos)
    End If
End Function

' writeLocalLogFile
'     Create a log file using a name derived from the filename that was generated by
'    CRN/C8 before it was written to the location specified by CM.OUTPUTLOCATION.
Sub writeLocalLogFile(sFileName, sData)
    sLogFile = left(sFileName, instr(sFileName,".")-1) +   "_log.txt"
    writeLogFile sLogFile, sData   
End Sub

' writePersistLogFile
'     Write a record to the persistent log file
Sub writePersistLogFile(sFileName, sData)
    writeLogFile sFileName, sData
End Sub

' writeLogFile
'     Generic routine to open a file, append a record to it and close the file
Sub writeLogFile(sFileName, sData)
    If (objFSO.FileExists(sFileName)) Then
        Set logFile = objFSO.GetFile(sFileName).OpenAsTextStream(8)       
        Set logFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(sFileName)
    End If

    logFile.Write sData
    Set logFile = Nothing
End Sub
now follow the 6th step again and you will get proper pdf output with name same as burst key.
Cognos Teacher..
(concept taken from

Cognos PDF output in Single page

When we have more columns in cross tab or list and run in PDF format, we get some columns in one page and some columns on another page and so on.. We can simply avoid this by setting one property. By doing this, we can have all the columns of cross tab or list report in single page in PDF output format.

Cognos Chart limitations in EXCEL

The following Cognos chart properties are not supported in EXCEL
1) Tool tips
2) Conditional Text
3) Depth, Visual angle
4) Show values
5) Marker Text location
6) Show baseline
7) n-degree rotation lables
8) border, Margin, box type
9) Font, subtitle, Include 0 for Auto scale
10) Scale

and many more .....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Determinants Explained with Example

Granularity is a simple concept describing the level data relates to.
Imagine sales areas:

Level1: Country
Level2: Sales Area
Level3: State
Level4: City
Level5: Store
Level6: Department
Level7: Employee

We can summarise sales volume (quantity) at each of the levels above.
The level at which we report is the grain (or granularity) of the table.

Tables or query subjects in Framework Manager often have multiple levels (grains) which you may have to join to another table with a different level grain.

An example of this is budgets.
Using our example above, we want to join our sales area table to our budgets table.
Unfortunately the grain of the sales area table is employee but the budgets have been completed at Store level.

In Framework Manager, if we join directly from store in sales areas to store in the budget data the budget data value will be repeated for how many employees are part of that store.
New Query Subject (join on Store with no determinants set):
Sales Area.City
Sales Area.Store

As there are four employees at the Bayside store this forces the model query subject to return four rows repeating the sales budget.

To correct this Framework Manager has to be instructed what level of granularity the budget applies to. This is done using determinants.

In our example we need to set the determinants on the Sales Area query subject.
Right click the query subject and select the determinants tab.

One determinant should be created for each level of granularity as shown below.
Create the determinant by clicking Add.

Rename the determinant and then drag the identifying column (Key) into the key window (bottom left). If the level has any attributes that exist at the same level of granularity these should be added to the Attribute window.

If the new determinant you have created is the lowest level grain (Employee in this case) the Uniquely Identified check box should be ticked.
The Group By tickbox should be ticked if the level is ever to be used for aggregating values.

Ensure that once you have created all of your determinants for the query subject that they are in the correct order (use the up and down buttons to sort them correctly).

After setting the determinants click OK to save the changes.

When the model query subject is now run, only one row of data is returned: